Saturday, July 21, 2007

The half way point

The second week with campers is over, and it was much different than the first. I had 11 middle school girls on my own ranging from age 11 to 14. The personality of this week's girls was a 180 from before! They liked getting dirty, being loud, and even infrequent showering patterns. Their joyful spirits really helped refill mine.

The creeking trip Wednesday was one of the best ones I've been on in a long time simply because they enjoyed getting muddy and wet. Thursday night a cottage 2 doors down asked us to be quiet because our pillow fight was so loud.

More importantly is their spiritual progress. They came in all but two church goers, having accepted Christ in a VBS setting or with their parents (this was actually the theme of most of the campers). Our speaker for the week, Joel Goddard, is good for the 'pew sitters.' He taught the history of worship - from the stars singing praises to Jesus going straight to the desert after the spirit descended from Heaven.

The stories and significance of the Old Testament really came alive to the kids (an example is the bit about the people in the desert not going to the mountain when the ram's horn blew, instead they sent Moses - we still send one priest to meet God and then expect that person to pass it on to us, when God's intention has always been for each of us to be a priest. )

10 of the 11 girls made new spiritual commitments. They realized that they're contact with Christ was because they were open to receiving by 1. having a quiet time 2. not being distracted. Most of the decisions were in regards to less TV & Internet time. One camper accepted Christ Wednesday night!

for this week:
I will not be counseling but in charge of photos & video. We have a special group coming in that is doing their own program and we will only be running the camp & activities.

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